
Assange Fights Extradition

So a couple days ago, on the first of feburary, wikileaks founder Julian Assange appeared before Britain's Supreme Court to fight extradition to Sweden where he faces accusations of sexual misconduct.
I won't really get into the actual accusations as I take absolutely no interest in that, altough I believe the accusations are a way of getting to him not for having done any sexual misconduct, but for his "work" on wikileaks. Anyway.

As soon as wikileaks gained international attention by releasing several confidencial documents, regarding the US and several other countries, a massiva "wave" of support was created towards Juliam Assange. I completely disagree with this. The man violated the rights of privacy of the US government, and several other countries, he destroyed diplomatical relations that took years to build, just have the satisfaction of releasing those documents, it didn't help anyone. Diplomacy is based, maybe unfortunately, on being a little "two faced". You can't please everyone at the same time, and apparently Mr. Assange doesn't understand that.
The same thing happened a couple months ago, when, at the G20 meeting in Paris (if I'm not mistaken), President Obama was caught having a conversation with the french president Nicolas Sarkozy, where they both complained about having "to deal" with the israeli Prime-minister.
What good did it do to anyone when the journalist that taped this released the talk to the press? It was good for himself, most likely winning a preety big ammount of money for his "big scoop". But he destroyed part of the trust between these three countries. Causing a feeling of humiliation for Obama and Sarkozy, that surely had to call the israeli prime minister imediatly apologizing for what they had said and stating it was caught "off context".

You can say that by exposing politican's lies, you force them to tell the truth, you're wrong, by exposing their lies, and recording whatever they say, you cause them to act with more secrecy. Let them do their job, when our freedom is threatened, then act, but don't do this kind of stuff for self profit. Don't destroy a diplomatic relation just to get your story on international papers.

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