
In Biting Cold, Protesters Pack the Center of Moscow

"MOSCOW — Antigovernment protesters managed to gather a third huge crowd in the center of Moscow on Saturday, undeterred by the arctic cold or by the near certainty that Vladimir V. Putin will win a six-year presidential term next month.
This time, the Russian authorities were prepared, organizing a simultaneous, and also huge, rally in defense of Mr. Putin. Speakers there issued dire warnings of the possible consequences of continued protest: revolution and the breakup of the country." (Source: New York Times)
So while Putin sided with Chin and Veto'd the UN's security council decision against the Syrian Government, something simillar happened in their own capital city. Even with sub 0ºC temperatures, thousands of russian people stepped outside and marched in the frozen moscow streets protesting against the government (more specifically, against Putin) This is the third protesting act against the government and against the fact that Putin will mostly likely win the following Presidential elections, and be in power for another 6 years! But the thing is, if somany people demonstrate their unapreciation for the work of Putin as their head of state, how can he be predicted to win the elections? Of course that while this protest occured, there was also "a huge rally in defense of Mr. Putin" well then one of two things is happening, either the defense rally is purely fictional and created by the government to counter-balance the protesting acts, or the russian population is dividing itself into two sides. Causing a danger of violent conflict between these two sides. The truth is that Putin has been in command of Russia for almost 20 years now, this after being the Head of the old soviet intelligence services, the KGB. Is the russian population tired of having him in power, and wanting a change? Is the russian population spliting into two opposing fronts? Or is Putin constantly winning "rigged" elections and opressing people who do not wan't to be under his command? It really makes you wonder, after E.U. officials claimed that the previous russian elections should have been "re-done" due to suspects of ilicite vote counting.

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