
German Government confirms: Berlin wants to occupy Athens and maybe Lisbon

So I yesterday I was reading the online edition of a portuguese paper, and I came across a quite disturbing article.
Apparently the "number 2" of the german government, agrees that, in return for a second help package, Greece must give away part of it's independence. Phillip Roesler is now the first member of the german government to assume that he agrees with the idea that a European comissionary should be nominated to regulate the greek finances, and make sure that they fulfill their part of the deal. This comissary would have several powers inside the greek government, and even a right of veto on anything the government would decide. The question is, who would control this comissary? The UE obviously, but would Germany continue to control the UE? Because if so, we might as well call ourselves a "financial" 4th Reich, Germany is trying to take over Europe again, not miltary but financially, and it needs to be stopped. All European countries must have the same rights inside the Union, it can't be France or Germany who decide the fate of Portugal, Greece, or any other country. The Union cannot be an economic union, only a political one, and even then, all countries must remain sovereign of their own nations.

Here's the link of the actual article (it's in portuguese but if you're using google chrome you can translate it): http://www.ionline.pt/dinheiro/governo-alemao-confirma-berlim-quer-ocupar-atenas-talvez-lisboa

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